CTOS Center for Radiological Nuclear Training
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Resident Courses Available @ NNSS

  • Oct 7-10, 2024
  • Nov 4-7, 2024
  • Mar 3-6, 2025
  • April 7-10, 2025
To register or for more information, call 877.963.2867 or email ctosreg@nv.doe.gov


The CTOS instructor staff consists of police officers, firefighters, emergency managers, radiological and nuclear subject matter experts, emergency medical services, Civil Support Team (CST) members, retired and active-duty responders, and personnel with extensive military experience. CTOS relies on the expertise of this multitalented group to assist in the development and delivery of courses that meet the needs of their communities.

In order to attend training offered by CTOS, please click HERE for detailed registration information. You will be required to fill out a registration form, obtain the appropriate signatures and send it to your designated State Administrative Agency (SAA) point of contact for approval. All requests must be approved by the SAA before submitting to CTOS. To find current training in your area you can contact the FEMA/NPD Help Line at (800) 368-6498.

Courses are held at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) from 7:00am to 5:00pm Monday - Thursday (Daily).

  • Attendees are eligible to attend training as a refresher every 3 years
  • Attendees must be U.S. Citizens

Resident training courses are conducted on-site at the Nevada National Nuclear Site (NNSS) by CTOS.

Click here to learn more about the Resident courses currently being offered by CTOS at the NNSS.

All CTOS courses are offered at NO COST to eligible participants.


Download our Mobile Training Course Catalog to review available courses and course descriptions.

Enrollment Information: In order to attend a training class delivered by one of the FEMA/NPD training partners, a request must be submitted to the designated U.S. Department of Homeland Security training point of contact. For a Training Coordinator in your area, please call 877.963.2867 or email ctosmttreg@nv.doe.gov.

The CTOS instructor staff consists of police officers, firefighters, emergency managers, radiological and nuclear subject matter experts, emergency medical services, Civil Support Team (CST) members, retired and active-duty responders, and personnel with extensive military experience. CTOS relies on the expertise of this multitalented group to assist in the development and delivery of courses that meet the needs of their communities.

MTT courses can be requested by first responders in their local communities as long as they can meet the required minimum class size. If needed, other state, local, or tribal first responders can be invited to the MTT course to complete the class size requirement. The requesting group provides the training venue and CTOS provides the instructors and the required specialized equipment, if needed. Students are welcome to use and train on their organization’s detection gear.


Courses are funded through DHS/FEMA’s Homeland Security National Training Program and are offered at no cost. E-learning’s convenient access is perfect for initial, just-in-time, and refresher training, providing information and exercises designed to meet requirements for continued education and skill progression.

The following web-based training courses are being offered through CTOS:

  • AWR-140-W, Introduction to Radiological/Nuclear WMD Operations
  • AWR-350-W, Hospital Radiological Emergency Operations: Hospital Operations Plan
  • AWR-410-W, Hospital Radiological Emergency Operations: Hazards and Countermeasures
  • AWR-411-W, Hospital Radiological Emergency Operations: Personal Protective Equipment
  • AWR-412-W, Hospital Radiological Emergency Operations: Preparation
  • AWR-400-W, Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Response Guidance: Planning for the First 100 Minutes
  • PER-307-W, Introduction to Nuclear Detonation Effects and Response Strategies

To register or sign in for online courses, click here.

All Web-based CTOS courses are offered at NO COST to eligible participants.



Counterterrorism Operations Support (CTOS) is providing an exciting new training option: Instructor-led online course delivery! Our Instructors deliver this live training using the Webex platform. Exams are provided online through the CTOS Learning Management System (LMS). Our goal is to provide a course that allows Participants to complete their course work using a flexible schedule—completely online


CTOS is also providing agencies with performance-based training courses using a blended learning approach. Students complete classroom portions of the curriculum online with Instructor-mediated delivery. Once a sufficient number of students have completed training, CTOS will have a mobile team of Instructors deliver hands-on training at your location, or the training will be held at the Nevada National Security Site outside of Las Vegas. This blended learning approach will reduce student training times, allow for greater flexibility of scheduling, help to maintain response capability, and allow for social distancing and outdoor activities during the hands-on portion.

All Virtual and Blended CTOS courses are offered at NO COST to eligible participants.


The CTOS Indirect/Adjunct Instructor Program offers students the unique opportunity to be authorized to deliver FEMA certified courses in their home state or jurisdiction. Training provided within states and local jurisdictions by state and local trainers is a critical component of national preparedness. Approved Adjunct instructors deliver the same curriculum as CTOS instructors and FEMA Certificates will be awarded to all students completing the training. This program is available to local agency trainers that have successfully completed a CTOS Train-the-Trainer Course of Instruction.

Authorized indirect trainers are approved by NTED through CTOS to conduct the respective training. The program provides Indirect Trainers administrative support, student training materials, and technical support from a CTOS Subject Matter Expert (SME) if needed. This program is offered at NO COST to eligible participants.

Requirements To Become and Maintain Indirect Trainer Status:

  • Submit a current copy of your resume; attach instructor credentials that include an instructional methodology course and proof that you are an approved instructor for your agency, region, or state
  • A letter of support nominating you as a trainer; submitted by your agency
  • Approval from your State Administrative Agency (SAA) to become a trainer in your state
  • Verify you are an employee or volunteer of an agency that will support the training with a minimum of five years of experience in the field of study
  • Successfully complete a Train-the-Trainer course
  • For Awareness level courses, you should have completed training that meets the intent of NFPA 472, chapters 4 and 5 (Awareness and Operations levels) or its equivalent
  • Agree to conduct a minimum of three courses or 75 students per calendar year

Our Train-the-Trainer program offers the following courses for indirect delivery:

Course # Course Name
AWR-140-1 Introduction to Radiological/Nuclear WMD Operations Train the Trainer
PER-243-1 Primary Screener/Personal Radiation Detector Train-the-Trainer

Current Authorized Trainers

Before scheduling a course please complete an Indirect Training Request Form and submit it to the Indirect Training Department no later than 4 weeks prior to course delivery start date.

Questions regarding Trainer responsibilities, technical support, or want to speak with a CTOS Subject Matter Expert (SME) contact us any time at 877.963.2867, or send an email to ctosindirect@nv.doe.gov


The National Domestic Preparedness Consortium duties as established and authorized are to identify, develop, test, and deliver training to state, local, and tribal emergency response providers, provide on-site and mobile training at the performance and management and planning levels, and facilitate the delivery of training by the training partners of the Department of Homeland Security.

NDPC Consortium Partners

  • Transportation Technology Center, Inc., Security and Emergency Response Training (TTCI-SERTC)
  • National Center for Biomedical Research and Training at Louisiana State University (LSU-NCBRT)
  • Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center at New Mexico Tech (NMT-EMRTC)
  • Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center (TEEX-NERRTC)
  • FEMA, Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP)
  • National Disaster Preparedness Training Center at University of Hawaii (UH-NDPTC)
  • National Nuclear Security Administration/CTOS-Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training at the Nevada National Security Site


"No cost to the agencies is win-win. Training for free is a benefit to the department and the citizens of Corpus Christi Texas. I hope that I can attend another one of your courses in the near future… Thank you again"

An Officer with the Corpus Christi, TX Police Department

To find out if your organization or agency is qualified, call 877.963.2867 or email ctosreg@nv.doe.gov